Wednesday 17 December 2014

August 1944

Tuesday 1  Took June to Marlow for a picnic. Wrote rest of 101 to Ken. Had letter 37.

Wednesday 2 Letter 38 from Ken. Went shopping in Wycombe, bought navy shoes. Went to see ' Thousands Cheer' in afternoon.

Thursday 3 Letter 102 to Ken. Mother and I went shopping in the afternoon. I met Kathleen in evening and had a beer at The Rainbow.
Friday 4 Wrote 103. Betty went back to Teddington. Lovely day, been good all week.
Saturday 5 Stayed at home all day.
Sunday 6 Betty x Chief were married at Church of the Sacred Heart at Teddington. Neil and I went up in the morning with Joan Lively. Everything went well. Magnificent wedding cake.
Chief and Betty - wedding picture - contributed by Chris Gutierrez 

Church of the Sacred Heart as it is now

Monday 7 Sent Ken 104 telling him all about the wedding. Collected the bicycles from the station. Scorching hot weather. Betty x Chief rang up. Rang Ken's mother.
Tuesday 8 Work didn't go down very well after a week away from it. Neil
In bed with Bilious attack. Finished embroidery and made up cushion cover. 105 to Ken. Betty x Chief rang up.
Wednesday 9 Letter 40 from Ken. Went to North Dean in the evening to help Neil measure the land. Wrote 106 to Ken. Wrote to Men's Mother.
Thursday 10 Betty came over for the day.
Friday 11 Letter 107 to Ken. Received 41 and 42 from him. Mowed the lawn in evening. Glorious weather.
Saturday 11 Fete at the Vicarage. Raffled cushion for three guineas. Had a good day. Betty rang up.
Sunday 13 Betty x Ch. couldn't come over as Chief wasn't very well. Rang Ken's people. Wrote Ken 108 also wrote to Fran. Lovely day.
Monday 14 Collected Red X. Wrote Betty + sent 10/. for her birthday. Started 109 to Ken.
Tuesday 15 Finished 109. Sent wedding cake. Bought knives and forks - kitchen knives. Lovely weather. Another landing in South of France.
Wednesday 16 Betty rang up. Received Kens portrait and a  letter. Very hot weather. John returned from Devon. Wrote to Ken's  Mother, also 110 to Ken.
Thursday 17 Recd. surface letter from Ken. 24 pages. Last instalment written 8.8.44. Wrote him 111. Betty rang up in the afternoon.
Friday 18 Wrote Ken 112. Received 43 + 44 from Ken.
Saturday 19 Met Betty + Chief at 8pm. Had a drink at Ida's. 9.30 'bus home. Sent birthday telegram to Ken.
Sunday 20 Wrote 113. Rained nearly all day. Betty + Chief went back at 6 o'clock.
Monday 21 114 to Ken. Returned RedX box. £1.13.8. Cold and wet day. Wrote to Moira.
Tuesday 22 Finished 114. Rec. another 44 from Ken.
Wednesday 23 Saw 'Fanny by Gaslight'. We heard that PARIS had been liberated by French forces of the interior.

Thursday 24 Wrote 115 to Ken. Rec. letter from him arrived for Betty. Poured with rain all afternoon and evening.
Friday 25 Took John to Reading. Went to Calvert to pay the ????. Betty rang up.
Saturday 26 Went to see Betty + Chief at Kingston. Visited Stonleigh in the eve. Recd. letter from Fran. Rang Ken's Mother.
Sunday 27 Ken's birthday. Left Betty's at 1.15 to visit Ken's Mother + dad. Wrote Ken 116. Very hot weather.
Monday 28 Poured with rain in morning. Mother in bed with a cold. Collected all the rent in the eve: 117 to Ken.
Tuesday 29 Made blackberry and apple jam.
Wednesday 30 118 to Ken. Heard from Moira. Betty rang up at lunchtime. Had received a nice parcel from Chief's Mother.
Thursday 31 Recd.  45 from Ken. Wrote 119. Betty came over.