Wednesday 4 April 2018

March 1945

Thursday 1 March 100 from Ken. 211 in all evening - washed my hair
Friday 2 March. Usual sort of Friday. In all evening. War news good. Germans getting terrific battering.
Saturday 3 March. Letter from Betty. Did Red X. Neil and I went to Palace. 212 to Ken. Lovely day but cold. John bought spaniel puppy.
Sunday 4 March. Very dull. 212. Played gramophone records all evening.
Monday 5 March Busy at the office. Betty rang up from Fairfield. Altered grey skirt. 213
Tuesday 6 March 213 Saw "laura" with Kathleen. Very good. Had two gins at the Red Criss. Betty rang up.
Wednesday 7 March. In all evening. Betty rang. Wrote to Ken. Letter from Ken's mother.
Thursday 8 March. Same old Thursday. Made treacle tart and sausage rolls to take to Chief. 214
Friday 9 March. Same old thing - work
Saturday 10 March. Went to Fairfield to visit Chief in hospital. Captain Hammerdick there, also Fred from San Antonio. Lovely weather.
Sunday 11 March Came Home - dreadful travelling on Sunday.
Monday 12 March. Wrote Betty and Frances. 215 to Ken. Felt very tired all day. Collected rents after work. Lovely weather.
Tuesday 13 March. Dull as usual. Work best time.
Wednesday 14 March. Letter from Jock. Horrendous weather for about a week. Letter from Betty. 216
Thursday 15 March. Work as usual, lovely day. Went to bed early and listened to the wireless. Always bored these days.
Friday 16 March. 217. No letter from Ken for over a fortnight. Chief moved 74th gen. hospital. Betty rang up.
Saturday 17 March 218. 101 from Ken. Collected for Red X. Flicks with Nigel
Sunday 18 March. Indoors nearly all day. Wrote to Chief also his mother. Betty rang from Clevedon. Read quite a bit.
Monday 19 March. Letter & photos from Ken. 102. 219
Tuesday 20 March. Took Red X bag. Spent pleasant evening with Kathleen & Lionel. Wrote to Jock. Lovely weather.
Wednesday 21 March. Betty came home from Falfield. Glorious weather. 220 to Ken.
Thursday 22 March. Usual sort of day - in all evening.
Friday 23 March. Lovely day again. Mother, Betty and Neil went to the pictures. 221
Saturday 24 March. Betty and I went to London to see about the passage to America. Met Jock for lunch at Trevor Arms, Knightsbridge. Very warm weather.
Sunday 25 March. Mother, Betty and I went to Bristol to see Chief as he is leaving for the States on Monday. Terrible return journey.
Monday 26 March. Chiefs 25th birthday. Drank his health at 10pm. 222. Rent collecting. Boy on bike ran into car in Downley.
Tuesday 27 March 105 from Ken. Lovely day. Washed my hair. Anne's 6th birthday. Chief left for America.
Wednesday 28 March 228 Rained nearly all day. Rang Jock. Washed Mothers hair.
Thursday 29 March. Betty and I went to the pictures. Rained like the devil when we came out.
Friday 30 March. Finished work at 3.30. Red X 225. All at home in the evening writing, knitting,washing etc.
Saturday 31 March. Betty and I shopped in Wycombe all the morning. Spent rest of day at home.

Sunday 11 March 2018

February 1945

Thursday 1 February Went to see 'The White Cliffs of Dover'. Much warmer weather. Betty rang up from Bristol on her way back to Teddington.
Friday 2 February Started 200 to Ken. Betty rang up. 93 from Ken. Said had benn on a very cold trip 7000 ft
Saturday 3 February Mother N went to Teddington and bought Betty's things home also Betty. Did Red X collecting. Stayed in all evening.
Sunday 4 February Finished 200. Lovely warm and sunny day.
Monday 5 February . Letter from Chief. 201 lovely sunny day.
Tuesday 6 February  Went to London. Left Ma's umbrella in Marylebone station cloakroom very wet
Wednesday 7 February  Saw "Pride and Prjudice" letter from Betty
Thursday 8 February  Very busy at the office. Rained all day. 202 to Ken.
Friday 9 February  Usual sort of day. Very Dull evening.
Saturday 10 February . 94 + 5 from Ken. 203. Washed the car. Wrote to Chief, Francis and Mrs Clark. Stayed home all day.
Sunday 11 February  Very wet day. At home all the time. Wrote Ken a surface letter and sent a diary etc. Ida and June came up. John took me to the Hallow in the evening.
Monday 12 February  96 from Ken. Write to Betty and sent the rent.
Tuesday 13 February. Terribly dull - usual routine. Went to bed very early. Started 204
Wednesday 14 February Lovely sunny day, Betty rang up from Bristol. Sent 204
Thursday 15 February. Same old thing - work. Betty rang up in the evening. Scottie back from the vets.
Friday 16 February. Mother went to Fairfield to say with Betty for a few days. 205
Saturday 17 February Neil and I alone. Went to see "Rainbow Island" and a funny Boy Scout film.
Sunday 18 February. Glorious day. Walked through Naphill and N. Deans. 206 to Ken also wrote Betty. Good war news.
Monday 19 February Collected rents. Cooked pasties in the evening. Work as usual.
Tuesday 20 February Mother and Betty came from Fairfield. Lovely day. 209 to Ken.
Wednesday 21 February. Saw  "Casanova Brown"
Thursday 22 February. In all evening. Betty at home 208. Lovely day.
Friday 23 February. Joan Lively came to tea. Finished 208.
Saturday 24 February. Betty and I left home at 7 for Bristol. Reached Fairfield at 2.30 and got to the hospital to see Chief at quarter to four. He looked well. Lovely day.
Sunday 25 February.caught 4 o'clock bus to Bristol, reached London at 8.30 and Wycombe just after 11 pm. Enjoyed the weekend.
Monday 26 February 97 from Ken. 209. Felt very tired after so many train journeys. Pretty dull day. Box of fish arrived from Seaton.
Tuesday 27 February Letters from Ken. Xxx o Betty and Frances. Lovely day. Stayed in all evening. John came home from Seaton 210
Wednesday 28 February. Went to the Rex to see "When Irish eyes are Smiling".